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Environmental studies
Environmental Impact Assessments (category 27) are a prerequisite step in the environmental permitting process to carry out new projects or modify the design of existing ones.
All projects and activities for which environmental permitting is required are classified into two categories: A (which is subdivided into subcategories A1 and A2) and B and 12 groups common to all categories. Subcategory A1 classifies projects and activities that may have a significant impact on the environment, while subcategory A2 classifies projects and activities that may have a significant impact on the environment. Category B includes projects and activities characterized by local and insignificant environmental impacts. The environmental licensing of Category B projects and activities does not require the submission and evaluation of EIA, but is subject to Standard Environmental Commitments (EPPs) which are an integral part of the required permits provided for their construction, installation or operation.
Ειδική Οικολογική Αξιολόγηση
This is a specialized study, in the framework of the Environmental Licensing, which is additionally prepared when the project or activity is within the boundaries of the European Natura 2000 Network. This study aims at the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the impact of the project or activity on the protected area and the species that make it up. Given the current conditions (see ΥΑ Α.Π. οικ. 170225) conditions for the preparation of EOA, the team of SYLVESTRIS Ο.Ε. provides all the required services. Depending on the type of area of the Natura 2000 Network (EZD, TKS, SPA) as well as the type of project or activity to be studied, the most appropriate working group is created per case, thus ensuring its effective environmental licensing.
For both the company Sylvestris and its members, the experience gained is great, as one can see in our research project.
An important object of our work in recent years is the elaboration of forest road studies and environmental studies for wind farms as well as the compilation of forest maps within the National Land Registry.